
Privacy Policy

We, at Smart Money, collect personal information from various sources, including from you directly when you visit the website/app, sign-up/login to the website & App; information generated throughout your association with us (data collected from cookies and similar technology described in cookie policy).

Depending on the nature of service you choose to receive from Smart Money, the personal information you provide would include:

  • Personal details ( Name, Phone number, email address)
  • Account details (username and password);
  • Communications (Your posts in the Smart Money platform, message board or forums, reviews and testimonials, or if you contact us with questions, comments, or requests)

We may use your Personal Information for the below-stated actions:

  • For research and analysis to offer or improve our services and quality
  • To check and process requests submitted related to products/services/instructions
  • To share updates or changes in any product/services or terms & conditions
  • To resolve queries and complaints
  • To perform due diligence as required by the law
  • To monitor and review services
  • For conducting audits and maintaining records
  • For selective offers and promotions

Please be aware that you are making the information available to others while posting information on message boards, chat groups, or social networking facilities available via the Smart Money service. Be careful of sharing sensitive information.

Deletion of information

You may choose to delete user information associated with your Smart Money account. If you wish to do so, you can place a deletion request by sending an email to Your request for deletion of data will be processed within 3 business days.
